When it comes to prepping for probable urban or suburban crises, choosing the right firearms becomes very vital. This assumes the rules of engagement to be on the same level as currently existing standards, where shooting is only justified against imminent threats. Much attention has been given to preparing for temporary or non-complete collapses where crimes of opportunity are a major threat.
Here are three recommended firearms for such scenarios:
- .357 Revolver with a 4″ Barrel: This is a great all-purpose gun for someone who is not necessarily a hardcore gun aficionado. Since a .357 revolver can also fire .38 Special ammunition, you have more choices for available ammunition. The .38 is mild for beginners to handle, yet the .357 packs a wallop sufficient to stop everything but bears. It’s as accessible as possible to everyone due to its simple operation, and its six-round capacity is considered sufficient in light of the 80/20 rule. It can further be concealed to give the bearer a certain flexibility in varying situations.
- 5.56 NATO-Chambered Semi-Auto Rifle: Examples include the most popular versions of the AR-15, Mini-14, and SU-16. This is the best compromise between power, magazine capacity, support, and handle. They are much easier than handguns to shoot well, but they are not portable. They are still easy enough to use inside the house and are quite effective for home defense.
- Break-Action 12-Gauge Shotgun: Over/under or side by side, this is a reliable solution for close encounters. The 12-gauge round has much respect for its stopping power. In its operation and reliability, this type of shotgun is very uncomplicated and therefore becomes suitable for a person not highly skilled in the use of firearms. There are shorter versions, up to and including the called “coach guns,” which are a nice compromise in being simple versus effective.
Honorable mentions would be any striker-fired 9mm handgun, inexpensive and reasonable. Not as intuitive to operate as the revolver, it also makes a good choice. A .22 semi-auto rifle is placed on this list due to its ease of use, inexpensive ammunition, and low recoil; however, it is also much less effective at stopping threats. Finally, a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun is another very common alternative to the break action, with better capacity but less forgiveness if one is not intimately familiar with the operation to avoid malfunction.
Ease of use and shooting accuracy have made the Glock 43 quite a sensation in the concealed carry world, even though the whole story was a bit different at the starting point. Lacking external safety, it was first overlooked in favor of the M&P Shield. Encased in the 9mm caliber with a 6-round chamber and a very compact design, it’s a serious choice for those looking for a trustworthy concealed carry option. This system has an easily noticeable pressure wall so the shooter can recover in short order and let off another round, an advantage in self-defense.
Not all guns of this size are created equally. There are quite a few pitfalls when it comes to ultra-compact .380 ACP pistols, often hawked to new shooters and females. Deemed “capable” for self-defense forces, many of these little guns come configured with long double-action triggers that magnify user-induced deviation, making them less than easy to shoot well. Their small-gripped area and higher felt recoil might be a bit intimidating for a trainee hence making him shy away from further training. Moreover, other challenges in manipulation and the risk of employing them make them rather complex to use for an inexperienced shooter.
In short, the fine balance between simplicity, effectiveness, and usability in choosing the correct armament for urban prepping includes a .357 revolver, a 5.56 NATO-chambered semi-auto rifle, and a break-action 12-gauge shotgun. For concealed carry, the Glock 43 leaves very little to be desired, but all shooters need to exercise great care when it comes to the new wave of ultra-compact .380 ACP pistols.
Key Phrases
- .357 Revolver with 4″ Barrel
- 5.56 NATO Semi-Auto Rifle
- Break-Action 12-Gauge Shotgun
- Glock 43 Concealed Carry
- Urban prepping firearms selection