Pocket pistols have long been a standby of concealed carriers, as they are arguably the easiest weapons to conceal that one will find. While subcompacts, including the 9mm Glock 26 and .45 ACP Glock 36, make up a huge portion of the market, their “Safe-Action” trigger design makes them less than ideal for holster carry. For real pocket carry, though, a double-action trigger is the way to go, and these five pistols fit that bill.
Beretta Model 21A Bobcat .22 LR/.25 ACP Pistol
Another version of the world’s oldest gun manufacturer, Beretta has been building “mouse guns” for a very long time. The Bobcat is the latest generation from the Model 950BS to the Model 418 used by James Bond before he switched to the Walther PPK. As George Hill of the USCCA says, “It is just about as small as an auto pistol can get without being ridiculous. The magazine holds 7 rounds and you have an easy-to-use tip-up barrel to load the chamber so you don’t have to work the slide.”
Walther PPK .32 ACP (7.65MM)/.380 ACP (9mm Kurz)
Known as the sidearm of choice for James Bond, the Walther PPK has been in constant production since 1931. Made in .32 ACP, .380 ACP, and .22 LR, it won’t have truly ideal stopping power but will get the job done. In 2005 Walther partnered with Smith & Wesson to produce the PPK under license with some updates such as a more ergonomic grip tang to prevent hammer-pinch and slide-bite.
Makarov 9x18mm
The Russian Makarov was the standard-issue sidearm of the Soviet/Russian armed forces for over 60 years. Few handguns are more reliable or robust, and it is surprisingly accurate for a gun never designed to be used in high-precision target work. The 9x18mm cartridge is probably the most powerful for a direct blowback pistol. Compared to the PPK, similar in many ways, there are some huge differences in the magazine release and safety/decocking lever, not to mention the caliber.
Seecamp LWS .32 ACP
This Seecamp LWS .32 ACP has been able to enjoy its following for being a pocket pistol primarily because it doesn’t have too many siblings out on the market, plus it is very easy to conceal. No sight may catch on your clothes, yet it packs a punch within its small size. As one owner, who wished to remain nameless, put it, “It’s a mouse gun that kicks like a mule, and it’s not fun to shoot. But for concealed carry, it’s the best thing ever.”
SIG Sauer P230/232 .380 ACP
Known for accuracy and reliability in firearm manufacturing, needless to say, the P232 does its job much like its big brother, the P230. All-metal construction and excellent ergonomics make this gun a statement to handle. According to Sevengun, a website about this very firearm, “When you do get to see one in person, especially the stainless model, it is striking. All metal, well built, fits in the hand like it was made to be there.”
Of the pocket pistols, these five provide reliable performance with maximum concealability for those who want a discreet package for personal self-defense.
Key Phrases
- Pocket pistols for concealed carry
- Beretta Model 21A Bobcat
- Walther PPK James Bond
- Makarov 9x18mm reliability
- SIG Sauer P230/232 accuracy