In the sector of guns, few have had an adventure as turbulent because of the AR-a hundred and eighty. Created for civilian use, this lightweight rifle promised versatility and innovation. Weighing simply over 6 pounds, it had an 18-inch barrel with a 1-in-12-inch twist rate, making it perfect for the famous fifty-five-grain .223 bullets of the time. Its particular 5.56mm chamber allowed it to shoot each five.56mm NATO and .223 Remington rounds, a characteristic beforehand of its time.
Despite its superior layout and lower priced charge tag, the AR-A hundred eighty confronted substantial demanding situations, especially because of its proprietary mag system, which turned into now no longer like-minded with the extra not unusual place AR-15 magazines. This problem turned into later resolved with upgrades made after 2001, however, the preliminary income battle left its mark on the rifle’s reputation.
The introduction of the AR-180B by the “new” ArmaLite in 2001 marked a significant update to the original design. With a polymer lower receiver and AR-15 magazine compatibility, the AR-180B represented a modernized version of its predecessor. “Building a new AR-180 was just a natural progression for us,” stated Mark Westrom, president of ArmaLite. The weapon was lauded for its lightweight build, balance, and improved features, such as an effective non-detachable compensator and the potential for match-trigger upgrades. Its competitive price of $660 for law enforcement made it an attractive option for departments operating on a tight budget.
However, no matter its technical deserves and wonderful reception from gun enthusiasts, the AR-180B struggled in income and manufacturing ceased in 2007. It was regarded just like the AR-a hundred and eighty turned into destined to vanish into obscurity, loved simplest via way of means of a small institution of committed fans.
Yet, in a stunning twist of fate, the AR-one hundred eighty has visible a resurgence of hobby inside the market. In 2019, the WK180-C, a contemporary-day descendant of the AR-one hundred eighty lineage, sparked new enthusiasm amongst firearm enthusiasts. Manufactured via way of means of Kodiak Defence in Canada and commissioned via way of means of Wolverine Supplies, the WK180-C maintained the exceptional functions of the AR-one hundred eighty whilst incorporating AR-15 compatibility in barrels, muzzle brakes, triggers, and different parts.
Key Phrases
- AR-180 rifle history
- AR-180B modernized version
- AR-15 magazine compatibility
- WK180-C firearm resurgence
- Kodiak Defence Canada