Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Embracing Diversity: Future Workplace Trends in Hiring and Hours

The tradition of working five days a week is set to go into oblivion, with more and more companies now experimenting with a four-day working week. Looking towards a work-life balance, this is a new approach that is working its way and showing very good hope at this juncture, with some of the pilot programs and increasing interest from enterprises and lawmakers.

Performance coaching company Exos has just shared the findings of a pilot program on its four-day workweek, conducted in partnership with the Wharton School of Business. Notably, the data suggests that a flexible workweek could drive employee well-being and workplace effectiveness without truly sacrificing business outcomes. “Even with the shift to a four-day workweek, Exos’ sales pipeline grew 211% YoY from July to December,” the company reported. The program also showed significant reductions in employee burnout and improved employee retention.

This is not the movement exclusive to private companies, though. In California, a bill for a four-day workweek, called AB 2932, even got drafted in 2022. The bill was not passed, but it boomeranged a national conversation about work-life balance and led numerous firms to reevaluate their labor policies.

The four-day workweek is just one of the many changes that are about to shape the future of work. Meanwhile, the recent Wharton People Analytics Conference revealed other emerging trends tied to the increasing incidence of intergenerational workforces and the inclusion of neurodivergent employees.

For example, Goldman Sachs shows the way in managing an intergenerational workforce. It has rolled out mental health programs and policies to prevent burnout and can already see how artificial intelligence will allow employees to be more strategic in the employees’ roles.

On the other hand, IBM stands out as a leader in neurodiversity through employment. The company recognizes the factor of neurodivergent workers having higher job loyalty and being more innovative. IBM works on eliminating prejudice from the interview and career development processes, identifying neurodiversity as a factor of diversity, but not a deficit.

Then, flexibility, inclusion, and well-being at work are some of the things that appear to be gaining recognition by companies and lawmakers if they have any intentions of staring into the future of the world of work. With these trends growing by the day, a different definition of work and productivity might be underway in a few years.

More for you:

    • Exos’ Four-Day Workweek Pilot Reveals a Winning Formula for Achieving Business Success Without Sacrificing Employee Well-being.
    • 6 Reasons Why Talking Basketball Brackets at Work Has Shocking Connection to Mental Health.
    • Your Future Workplace: Intergenerational Offices, Neurodivergent Employees, and Four-day Work Weeks.
    • Guide to The 4-Day Workweek California Bill (& 2023 Update).
    • What are the different definitions of work Satisfaction?

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